Monday 3 October 2011

A Girl Should Be Two Things...

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."
Coco Chanel

Being the involved college student I am, I have witness many different kinds of people in my first month on campus. It really isn't that different than high school.

-There is still that know it all girl sitting at the front of the class answering all the questions. They always make you wonder if you spend too much time with your friends making bad decisions, and if you'd rather be in pre med studying with her.
-There's the guy who always has something to say. Generally it's a "real" life story about how impressive he is, and it has nothing to do with the concept we're discussing. You wonder how he's made it this far.
-There's the pretty boys, the jocks who think they got it all. I always am impressed at how much time they spend on their appearance when you roll into your nine o'clock classes with a pony and sweatsuit.
-There's that platinum blonde at the back with her lap top, most likely Facebooking about how unattractive my sweatsuit is. She has the worst hair extensions you've ever seen and makes you contemplate if your jeans aren't tight enough.
-There's also approximately five hundred more people but they're normal and not nearly as exciting.

With that being said, I love it all. I'm so glad that stereotypes haven't changed and I can still people watch.
The fact is everyone judges you, so you may as well give them something to look at. I've already fallen down the stairs once and walked into the wrong class. It happens and I know I'm still super classy.
Last night I had an avocado for a study snack, look at me go!

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